How to Apply

Submitting a Proposal

Grant applications will be accepted December 1st through October 1st. There will be no decisions made in the month of December.

Application Requirements

The Reuter Foundation encourages organizations to send Proposals by email to PROPOSAL@REUTERFDN.ORG.
Be sure to include in the subject line: Proposal-(organization name)

After we receive the proposal, the Board of Members may vote to have a Zoom meeting with the organization's staff to discuss the program further. This gives them a better understanding about the program and if they have any questions, they can be answered at this time.
Organizations who are awarded a grant from the Foundation will receive an email of congratulations which also begins the agreement phase of the process. Once the grant agreement is signed and returned to us, the grant will be issued by check within a two-week time period.
Grant reports are important as a way for us to stay connected to your work, community needs and best practices. All grantees are required to submit a progress report. This is stated in the grant award letter. Each report should contain a narrative summary of the goals that have been met and financial accounting of grant fund expenditures. The Board carefully reviews this information. Reports should be submitted on the dates indicated in your grant award letter and emailed to us at

The Board Secretary communicates with the grant applicant regarding specific questions. She will also secure external opinions about the grant proposal before review by the Board Members, who make the final funding decisions.
The Board Secretary will make every effort to keep the applicant informed about the review process.